Shuman Family


Shuman Family Bible

The Shuman family Bible details the children of Charles Augustus Shuman and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Beatty Shuman. It is currently owned by C.A. and Lizzie Shuman's living great-granddaughter. It is in fairly poor condition, but most of what has been written is still legible. I hope to get better photos/scans of it at some point, but these photos are better than nothing for now.

Simply click on an image below to enlarge it.

"This certifies that C.A. Shuman and Lizie Baty were solemnly united by me in the holy Bonds of Matrimony at Charlotte, N.C. on the 1 day of September in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and 85 conformably to the ordinance of God and the Laws of the State."

Charles Augustus Shuman was born Aprial (sic) the 30 year 1865
Elizabeth Batty was born July the 10 year 1864
Their children
1 James Earnes Shuman was born November the 8 year 1885
2 Flora Minnie Shuman was born March the 25 year 1887
3 Jim bo Jefferson was born June the 14 year 1889
4 Mary Jane Shuman was born May 24 year 1891
5 Laby Shuman was born July the 9 year 1894"

C.A. and Lizzie Shuman's children continue on this page.

6 Anny May Shuman was born Aprial (sic) the 20 year 1896
7 Gertrude Alberta (?) Shuman was born Aprial (sic) 15 year 1898
8 Cathrene Shuman was born January the 10 year 1900 | Died Sept. 15, 1982
9 Johnie Isiah Shuman was born August the 4 1901 | Died Oct. 15, 1982
10 Archey Albert Shuman was born July 18 year 1903
11 Loma (?) Lee Shuman was born March 10 year 1906 | Died Feb. 29 1960
12 Lee Washington Shuman was born February the 22 year 1908"

There appears to have been more written in the lower right corner of this page - perhaps 1943? I'm not aware of any births or deaths in the family happening in the year 1943, so I don't have a good guess as to what this could have said at this time.

Christian Shuman

Jacob Shuman and Christina "Teny" Earnheart Shuman

James W. "Jim" Shuman and Jane Elizabeth Stauffer Shuman

Charles Augustus Shuman and Margaret Elizabeth "Lizzie" Beatty Shuman

Photo from (membership required to view)

Photo from (membership required to view)